Tag Archives: EMCOMM

My March New Years Resolution Post

I swear I’m trying to get to a point where I’ve got more content here than just monthly personal updates and one paragraph tech tips. I don’t like giving out teasers but I’m making an exception today for a few that I intend to have out over the next month.

After a lot of trial and error, I finally have a working APRS and Winlink station. I think I had at least three different things working against me, I’m still not sure what some of the issues were but in the end I switched the cable and USB soundcard out for a Signalink USB & 20 minutes to tweak audio levels. I’ll go into more details on this in a later post. I was delaying my March update just for this, after three months of this I really wanted to be able to say it’s working! (In fairness, a lot of that time was waiting on shipping parts, trying out the parts, ordering another little trinket & waiting on shipping again)

I’ve been working on creating my own little Debian software repository & I’ve started to learn how do make Debian packages. I’m slowly learning docker, which seems like something I should have done a long time ago. Alongside this I’ve been studying for various certifications & licenses. Thanks to my employer I expect to be a Splunk Core Certified User before summer.

I still wish there were things I could do in-person again, Covid-19 has made that a real challenge & I get it, I want everyone to be safe but zoom calls, social media posts, online chats, mailing lists & instant messages just aren’t the same. I haven’t been able to see the Halifax Mooseheads play in person, they’re playing three more games (two at home, then heading to PEI for a third, which I can’t go to due to the current covid-19 rules) and then I don’t know (every game after that is on June 24th, which just isn’t possible, I’m guessing they are just doing a few at a time until vaccines are out and/or guidance from various local authorities across the league are clarified, using that date as a placeholder)

Don’t get me wrong, it could be worse. My hometown team the Erie Otters have 5 postponed games from the 2019-2020 season and they’ve not played a game since March 8th 2020. I could be working somewhere with others, worrying about each wave again too.

Last thing for the month, I’ve been going back over past projects and catching up on documenting what works so I don’t have to go through so much trial and error if I ever rebuild them. Some of these I’ll share on the blog, so that it may help everyone.